Wearingeul Pinocchio ink review

Wearingeul Pinocchio Ink Review: New Glistening Ink

Let’s dive right into the Wearingeul Pinocchio ink review today! A recent release, this childhood adventure-filled ink is an exciting addition to an already exciting lineup of fountain pen inks from the popular ink maker. If you aren’t yet familiar with Wearingeul inks, it’s about time you got a little up close and personal with one of their beautiful colors. Read on for more details about this beautiful ink in today’s ink review.

How to Enter to Win the Inks Featured in the Weekly Ink Reviews:

If you’re interested in winning one of the inks we feature in our weekly ink reviews, you’re in luck. The inks we use for our ink reviews are usually added as a prize in the giveaway we host each month with 15 prizes (inks, pens, and writing accessories from all your favorite brands). You can be one of the 15 lucky winners, and it COULD be the bottle of ink used for today’s review.

All About the Ink Maker: Wearingeul

Wearingeul interprets, expresses, and re-designs classic and popular literature with their own unique, modern insights. Ink and pen aficionados love searching Wearingeul inks for elements of their favorite masterpieces, fairy tales, and legends in Wearingeul’s exciting and magical array of products. Wearingeul brings art, sound, fragrance, taste, mood, and story to colorful life for pen and ink enthusiasts everywhere with each new ink or writing accessory released.

The Ink Series: Wearingeul World Literature Collection

This week’s featured ink was recently added to the Wearingeul World Literature Collection. The entire ink series is full of inks inspired by world literature. The fun array of inks allows writers, artists, students, and professionals everywhere to experience the writing you already know all over again in a whole new way with beautiful, unique inks. The Wearingeul World Liteature inks are packaged in the brand’s 30ml square glass ink bottle with a plastic threaded cap. The Wearingeul World Literature Series currently includes 27 different fountain pen inks. However, of all the gorgeous inks in the series, Wearingeul World Literature Pinocchio ink is the one we chose to feature in this week’s ink review. Read on for the full Wearingeul Pinocchio ink review!

Today’s Featured Ink: Wearingeul Pinocchio Ink Review

Wearingeul Pinocchio Ink Review: Swatch and writing sample.
Getting to know Wearingeul’s Pinocchio ink.

In today’s ink review, we’re getting a better look at Wearingeul Pinocchio fountain pen ink. Let’s take a better look. Wearingeul Pinocchio ink is a curious, lively green glistening ink with subtle yellow undertones emerging from the emerald and mint ink base and a sparkling gold adding life and energy. The ink goes down smoothly, is easy to read, and creates a crisp line. The ink is inspired by Carlo Collodi’s classic, “The Adventures of Pinocchio.”

Other Products You May Notice Us Using Today:

You’ll notice other products popping up here and there as we conduct the tests for our weekly ink review. Below, you’ll find a list you can use to identify the other products you may see us use for the review.

Check out a swatch on the new Wearingeul Pinocchio ink swatch card.
Check out the swatch on the Wearingeul’s new Pinocchio ink swatch card.
  1. Wearingeul Pinocchio Ink Swatch Card
  2. paint brush
  3. Eyedropper
  4. Rhodia grid notebook
  5. Wearingeul Jaquere Clear Chart Book (for collecting all your ink swatches in one spot!)
  6. cotton swab
  7. Iro Utsushi dip pens
  8. Wearingeul Jaquere Impression Color Swatch Spiral Notebook

Wearingeul Pinocchio Ink Review:

Watch us perform the ink review tests with Wearingeul Pinocchio ink.

Let’s take a look at how the ink is packaged, how fast it dries, and how the ink responds to water (during our standard water test). We’ll also take a look at how the ink performs with a cotton swab swatch, an eyedropper swatch, and a writing sample.

What Type of Packaging and Ink Bottle Do They Use?

Wearingeul ink bottles are 30ml square glass ink bottles with clear labeling. The lids fit on very securely.
Wearingeul ink bottles are 30ml square glass ink bottles with clear labeling. The lids fit on very securely.

Wearingeul Pinocchio ink comes in the brand’s 30ml glass ink bottle that has a square shape and a threaded cap that seals the bottle very well. The box has clear identifying markings, brand info, etc., and they keep the design clean and simple. If we were giving letter grades for the different elements of the ink featured in today’s Wearingeul Pinocchio Ink Review, the packaging would get an A+.

How Fast Did Wearingeul Pinocchio Ink Dry?

Wearingeul Pinocchio ink review dry time test results. Average dry time of 16 seconds.
Wearingeul Pinocchio ink review dry time test results. Average dry time of 16 seconds.

During our review today, we saw a dry time of about 16 seconds. That’s a slower dry time, but the vivid coloring in this glistening green ink still has me reaching for it to ink my favorite pens.

How Does Wearingeul Pinocchio Ink Hold Up Against Water?

We always conduct a water test to see how inks hold up against water during our ink reviews – even when they’re not supposed to be waterproof or water-resistant; it’s just good information to have. After conducting the water test, in which we put down a writing sample, let it dry for 2 minutes, and then run a wet cotton swab over the writing, this is what we saw:

Wearingeul Pinocchio ink review: Water tests results.
Wearingeul Pinocchio ink review Water Test: After exposing the ink to water.
  • Water showed almost no effect on the Pinocchio ink.
  • If you look very closely, you can see a tiny amount of smearing.
  • At first glance, I would say the water had no effect on this ink at all. It’s almost waterproof.

Did Wearingeul Pinocchio Ink Exhibit Any Special Traits or Properties During the Review?

Wearingeul Pinocchio ink review
Read the full Wearingeul Pinocchio ink review.

During today’s review, we looked for any special traits or properties you might be interested in hearing about. We know we love to hear about inks that are great shaders or sheening inks that will add extra life to our writing. This green ink has a great gold glistening effect that shows up well even when writing.

Was There Any Ghosting During the Wearingeul Pinocchio Ink Review?

During our review, we saw no evidence of ghosting. We conducted the dry test and water test in a Rhodia ICE notepad (grid).

Did Wearingeul Pinocchio Ink Feather?

We didn’t see any feathering during today’s Wearingeul Pinocchio ink review either.

Final Conclusion: Wearingeul Pinocchio, the Newest World Lit Addition!

The Wearingeul Jaquere Clear Chart Book: Adding the Wearingeul Pinocchio Ink Swatch Card.
Adding the Ink Swatch Card to the Wearingeul Jaquere Clear Chart Book.

Thanks for joining in for our ink testing fun. When all is said and done, this is just a really high-quality ink (which is to be expected from Wearingeul). The interesting green tone comes off fun and vivacious and the gold shimmer adds in a little bit of magic. Pinocchio ink goes down on paper so smooth and offers great coloring. It’s a lighter shade of green that is still dark and legible on paper. Wearingeul’s Pinocchio is also a great ink for the spring season, so the release was perfect timing.

Enter to Win the Bottle of Ink Used in This Week’s Ink Review:

Don’t miss your chance to enter to win the bottle of ink used in this week’s ink review! We include the ink review features in our monthly Giveaway Day with Pen Chalet, 15 on the 15th! Find out more and enter to win now.

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10 months ago

I’m sorry but these reviews read so much like they were written by ChatGPT that I can’t even pay attention to the ink qualities