Tag Archives: limited edition

Limited Edition items are typically numbered and are only available for a limited time. Limited edition items are great for pen collectors or any pen enthusiast. Find out all the latest limited edition pens and inks at Pen Chalet and see the items before they are available to the public.

Tono + Lims Limited Edition True Love ink review

Tono & Lims True Love Ink Review: An Elegant + Vibrant Limited Edition

Don't miss the latest fountain pen ink review on Pen Chalet's Fountain Pen Blog! Today we have the Tono and Lims Limited Edition True Love ink review. You don't want to miss it.
retro 51 phoenix tornado rollerball pen

New Retro 51 Phoenix Tornado Rollerball: Rise from the Ashes with this Pen Chalet Exclusive

The Retro 51 Phoenix Tornado rollerball is a new Pen Chalet exclusive inspired by the mythical Phoenix. The outstanding design is different than any in your Retro 51 collection, and is available for order on the global launch date, April 17, 2022.