Monteverde Mercury Noir Ink Bottle

Monteverde Mercury Noir Ink Review & Giveaway!

Monteverde Mercury Noir Ink is part of Monteverde’s “Noir” or black based collection of ink colors.  In addition to Mercury Noir, the other Noir colors  are: Mulbury Noir; Azure Noir, Raven Noir, Coal Noir, Rose Noir, Smoke Noir, Jade Noir, Copper Noir and Ocean Noir. All Monteverde’s inks come with ITF technology, which allows for great ink flow and lubrication as welll as extended cap off time.

Monteverde Mercury Noir ink is a nice muted burgundy color with a hint of a dark tinge to it, especially with wetter strokes. Monteverde Mercury Noir ink shows up well and can be used as an every day ink color. Monteverde fountain pen inks are Manufactured in Europe and distributed in the United States.

Continuing reading for a chance to win the bottle of Monteverde Mercury Noir ink we used for this review.

Monteverde Mercury Noir Ink Review

Monteverde Mercury Noir Ink Review

During our review of Monteverde Mercury Noir ink we found the following characteristics that you may find helpful when choosing your next ink color.

Testing Factors

For our review we used a French made J. Herbin glass dip pen on Rhodia dot pad paper. Different pen types and paper will produce different results.

Bottle Sizes

Monteverde Mercury Noir ink comes in two sizes, a large capacity 90 ml. glass bottle and then a smaller 30 ml. glass bottle. All Monteverde fountain pen inks are also available in a 12 pack of standard international cartridges.


Monteverde Mercury Noir ink retails for $15.00 for the larger 90 ml. bottle and $8.00 for the smaller 30 ml. bottle. These retail prices makes Monteverde Mercury Noir ink an economical ink purchase.

Dry Time

During our review of Monteverde Mercury Noir ink we found a dry time of approximately 8-9 seconds, which is still in the reasonable range, but not as quick as other Monteverde inks we have tested.

Bleed Through

We found no bleeding during our review of Monteverde Mercury Noir ink, even during the cotton swab test.


During our review of Monteverde Mercury Noir ink we found no feathering on Rhodia paper. Even during our water test we found only very minimum feathering.

Water Test

During our review of Monteverde Mercury Noir ink we conducted a water test where we ran a wet cotton swab over an ink sample that had dried for about 3 minutes. The results were typical for a water based non-waterproof ink: some light color smearing, some slight line distortion and feathering. However, the lines remained clear and distinct and the ink held up quite well.


Monteverde Mercury Noir ink produces some nice shading with the right pen and penmanship. From the dark shades found in the wet lines to the light dusty burgundy color with the lighter, dry lines Monteverde Mercury Noir ink can produce lots of color variety.

Conclusions about Monteverde Mercury Noir ink

Monteverde Mercury Noir ink is a nice burgundy color with a nice dark hue. Monteverde ink in general is a great ink option and great value. There over 50 colors options within the Monteverde brand, including the 10 Noir or black based colors. Another great feature with Monteverde inks are the reasonably priced bottles available in two size options. Monteverde Mercury Noir ink has some wonderful shading characteristics and is safe for your fountain pens.

Enter to Win

Enter to win the actual bottle of Monteverde Mercury Noir ink that we used in this ink review:

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Andrew Coon
6 years ago

EoC continues to be my favorite ink.

6 years ago

Ooo, that’s a nice colour. Maybe this will reconcile me with Monteverde.

David Knapp
6 years ago

I’d love to see a review of Monteverde FireOpal, if it hasn’t already been done.

John Stein
6 years ago

I love these darker shading inks.

Theresa Davey
6 years ago

Love the ruby red!

Mark Junk
6 years ago

Can’t wait to try this ink!

Evan Robertson
6 years ago

Looks like very good quality ink for a very reasonable price! I would love to try it

Brian C
6 years ago

Please continue to showcase more of the totally underrated Monteverde inks.

Jacob Thebault-Spieker
6 years ago

ooh! I’ve never tried a monteverde ink, I’d be interested to see more reviews of this brand!

6 years ago

I’d love to see R&K Helianthus!

Geoffrey Dunn
6 years ago

Finally a red I will probably like! Thanks for the review.

6 years ago

Love the dark tint when used with a broader nib.

Tony Rose
6 years ago

Awesome color, great review. Thanks for the giveaway!!

6 years ago

I only just recently started getting into Montrverde inks, but I really like them, and the fact that they’re lubricated is a nice touch. Of the “Noir” series, I’ve only tried Smoke so far, but Mercury is def on my radar.

6 years ago

I am impressed with the characteristics of this ink. ‘Noir’ is a very fitting name. My initial impressions of Montverde were that they were “bulk budget” inks. Instead, this has rather pleasant subtlety and texture, considering the notably affordable cost. Are there any similar greens or yellows on the market? I would like to see such inks reviewed.

Ana G Csiky
6 years ago

The whole Noir line looks amazing!

Nya Hue
6 years ago

I’d love to see Smoke Noir – or Colorverse Photon and Gluon!

Andrew Mulnix
6 years ago

nice color!

Ged Alangui
6 years ago

I love burgundy! My current favorite ink is Diamine Ancient Copper

Toni C
6 years ago

I would really love to try the Rose Noir and Copper Noir in this series!

M Walter
6 years ago

What a great color.

Joanie J.
6 years ago

Beautiful red! I’d love to give it a try.

6 years ago

I have Ocean Noir and love, love, love the color. Very dark, has a lot of interest….and it has a nice red sheen.

Esra Karakas
6 years ago

Monteverde coal noir ☺️

M. L.
6 years ago

would love to try this color!

6 years ago

I’m in the market for a yellow ink so I’d love to see one reviewed.

roy c
6 years ago

more noir inks please

6 years ago

Seems like a nice, writable burgundy red.

6 years ago


S Woods
6 years ago

I am trying to enjoy inks in the red category more and broaden my color choices. This looks like another option.

6 years ago

That’s an amazing color ! Actually, I don’t own any of that collection but from I see, I’d love them all ! Thanks for the opportunity to win.

Sara Hagen
6 years ago

Lovely red. Could be a match for my 3776 Burgogoyne.

6 years ago

I love the Monteverde Gemstone line, particularly Olivine and Fireopal. Maybe it’s time to give another one of their lines a try

6 years ago

I have this in my Pilot Metro right now! I was just thinking I’ll have to get a bottle. It’s an unusual but very readable color

Ron Parish
6 years ago

I really like Monteverde inks, and this one is a real keeper. Please review some of the old standby inks such as Sheaffer and Waterman.