Lamy Blue Black ink has a very popular Blue Black color. Produced the German Pen Manufacturer, Lamy, known for some of the world’s best loved and respected fountain pens, with their simplistic and innovative functional designs yet exceptionally high quality. Lamy inks follows a similar pattern with a no frills, inexpensive functional ink that come in an innovative glass bottle and fantastic colors. Lamy Blue Black has an appealing dark blue shade with just tint of grey when using a lighter flowing fountain pen with an extra fine or fine nib. With wetter nibs such as a broad or stub nib, the ink has a deep blue color.
Please note the following features we have found while using this German manufactured ink, which we hope you find helpful:
Testing Factors
We used one of the fabulous new Lamy 2000 Limited Edition Black Amber Fountain Pen with a Fine Nib for this ink review on Rhodia Block N. 18 graph paper.
Bottle Sizes
Lamy fountain pen bottle ink comes in one of the most unique bottles on the market today. The thin circular 50 ml glass bottle has a bulbous extension at the bottom, which serves as an internal glass ink well. The bottle is placed into a plastic circular holder that also houses a roll of ink blotting paper. Although the roll of blotting paper is thin, less than ¾ of an inch in diameter, the idea is functional, innovative and unique.
Lamy bottled ink is a very reasonably priced imported ink from Germany. The 50 ml ink bottle retails for $10.50 and comes in a variety of 6 general colors, Blue Black, black, blue, green, red, turquoise. Each year Lamy also produced limited edition colors such as charged green, copper orange and coral.
Dry Time
Using the Lamy 2000 with a fine nib, the dry time came was about 20 to 25 seconds, which makes Lamy Blue Black not a fast drying ink.
Bleed Through
One of the best characteristics of Lamy Blue Black Ink is that it should not bleed through most papers. Using the higher quality Rhodia paper, there was no bleeding, even using a lot of ink from the wet cotton swab. However, even using the Lamy 2000 with a fine nib on normal everyday copy paper (not shown in this review), there was still no bleeding to the back of the paper.
Using the Lamy 2000 fountain pen, there was no feathering at all. Lamy Blue Black ink produced clean crisp and distinct lines with no feathering on the Rhodia paper used in this review.
Water Test
Letting the Lamy Blue Black ink sample dry for about 3 minutes, we ran a wet cotton swab over the sample. Some color smearing was produced, but very little feathering and the lines maintained their edge.
Lamy Blue Black in does produced some nice shading with color variation from a light blue with grey to a dark blue even using the Lamy 2000 fountain pen with a fine nib. Using a broader nib will produce more substantial shading.
Conclusion about the Lamy Blue Black Ink
Lamy bottle ink is a great value, functional everyday fountain pen ink, with an innovative glass bottle design. Purchasing any Lamy bottle ink, including Blue Black, will always be a good quality ink unless you need a permanent ink. No bleeding, no feathering, and a nice blue color. The only downside is the longer dry time. Overall a great quality blue black ink!
This is the new Lamy blue-black formulation after they took out the iron-gall components, right?