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National Handwriting Day 2020 Means Fountain Pen Festivities

It’s finally here! National Handwriting Day 2020! Did you know that we celebrate National Handwriting Day on January 23rd right alongside John Hancock’s birthday? It seems fitting since his signature on the Declaration of Independence holds such meaning to so many that it’s become a norm to request someone’s “John Hancock” when you need them to sign on the dotted line.

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Pictured: Ink sketch of John Hancock by Vanessa Langton with the Leonardo Officina Italiana Exclusive Momento Zero fountain pen in Rosewood/Ebonite with Leonardo fountain pen ink.

The Handwriting Pentervention:

We were discussing the importance of handwriting and how it matters in so many ways as you make your way through this crazy, beautiful life with our good friend, The Pen Gangsta, and the discussion evolved into an epic Handwriting Pentervention video. Many of you have already enjoyed it on our YouTube channel or IGTV. But if you missed it, here’s your chance to get with the times.

So which one are you? The one most likely to schedule a handwriting pentervention? Or the one most likely to have a handwriting pentervention planned on your behalf? When is the last time you were mindful of your handwriting? Is it time to take stock and actively seek to improve?

How Will You be Celebrating National Handwriting Day?

It’s the perfect activity to take on for National Handwriting Day. But if your handwriting doesn’t need improvement and you don’t have the energy to plan a handwriting pentervention for a loved one, we have a few other suggestions you can consider:

  1. Try your hand at sketching. Maybe you have a hidden talent.
  2. Check out the winners of the National Handwriting Day giveaway and be suitably jealous. Four lucky pen enthusiasts will be getting their hands on some lovely prizes (i.e., Conklin Mark Twain fountain pen, Retro 51 Invader fountain pen, Stipula Passaporto fountain pen, Retro 51 Cioppino Tornado pen, Monteverde fountain pen ink cartridges, and an Itoya Art Profolio Oasis Notebook). See…jealous-worthy. Make sure to enter to win next time – you can’t win if you don’t enter!
  3. Check out the National Handwriting Day SALE items! You missed the giveaways, but the SALE you did not miss! Check it out!
  4. Make a master plan to become a Pen Chalet Nib Meister. Get details on the loyalty plan here. 
  5. Sign up to take a lettering class or workshop.
  6. Introduce a friend to fountain pens!

Regardless of how you decide to celebrate, we hope you have a wonderful National Handwriting Day! Any reason to celebrate the art of writing and the love of fine writing instruments, right? Make sure to follow us on social media, so you don’t miss any upcoming Pentervention episodes or Fountain Pen How To’s. Until next time!

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Geoffrey Dunn
5 years ago

Congratulations to all the winners!

5 years ago

i like it very much.