Sailor Storia Night Ink is a beautiful pigmented blue color ink from Sailor Pen company. The Storia line of ink is a higher end recent addition to the popular Sailor Jentle Ink line. Storia, which means “history” in Italian, reflects some of the characteristics of this ink. All Sailor Storia ink colors, there are 8 colors in all, are a pigmented, water proof ink, which is meant to be long lasting and light fading resistant, etc. Thus the longevity of this ink makes for its use in historical documents, journals or other written items that you want to last forever. Sailor Storia Night ink is a darker blue almost muted but produces very clean medium blue lines.
We found the following characteristics when using Sailor Storia Night ink, that you may find helpful:
Testing Factors
Rhodia Bloc N. 18 paper with an extra fine comparable glass dip pen was used for this ink review.
Bottle Sizes
All Sailor Storia inks come in a 30 ml. circular frosted bottle, contained in a tubular cardboard carton. The bottle itself, although small is quite appealing with Storia labeled in large white letters on the clear frosted bottle, which provides a glimpse into the shade of ink color inside. Interestingly enough the color “Night” is not included on the bottle at all, but “blue”, which is the core color of this ink, is placed on the top of the lid. The bottle contains a wide mouth, which allows for easy access by any pen. Additionally, each Sailor Storia ink bottle comes with an internal reservoir or ink well, which will allow you to obtain those last few drops of ink, even without a faceted shaped bottle.
The retail cost for this imported ink from Japan is a higher end $24.00 for a smaller 30 oz. bottle. However, Pen Chalet carries the entire selection of Storia ink colors at 20% off its full retail cost..
Dry Time
Using a small dip pen, the dry time was 6-7 seconds, which is respectable for a pigmented thicker ink. Using a larger nib size will require an extended drying period.
Bleed Through
We experienced absolutely zero bleed through using the J. Herbin dip pen and Rhodia paper with this Sailor Storia Night Ink.
Sailor Storia Night ink produced very distinct, crisp lines with no feathering at all.
Water Test
Being a waterproof ink, the water test, running a wet cotton swab over the ink after a 3 minute dry time, produced no bleeding, smudging, or ink residue.
There was not much shading apparent using the small tipped glass dip pen, but with the cotton swabbing, there was some distinct nice shading visible.
Conclusion about the Sailor Storia Night Ink
I would suggest obtaining at least one bottle of Sailor Storia Ink for your collection. The Night color is a good everyday quality blue ink, that has all the good qualities of being a pigmented ink, along with the complexities regarding cleaning and maintenance of your pens while using pigmented ink. The cost is a little high for this imported ink, but is reasonable when compared to other pigmented inks. Sailor Storia Night Ink, with its good shading, waterproof and light resistant nature makes this a wonderful ink to use in order to tell your story!