Bestselling Fountain Pens of 2022

Curious which fountain pens were most popular during 2022? You’re not alone. We regularly get requests asking for recommendations and specifically asking which fountain pens are bestsellers. So, we’re preemptively answering your question this year before too many of you even have time to ask. Read on to learn which pens were the bestselling fountain pens of 2022.

Top 5 Bestselling Fountain Pens of 2022:

Bestselling fountain pens of 2022
  1. Kaweco Collector’s Edition Fountain Pens
  2. Platinum Preppy Fountain Pens
  3. Lamy Special Edition Safari Fountain Pens
  4. Twsbi Eco Fountain Pens
  5. Conklin Endura Deco Crest Fountain Pens

The pens picked as the Top 5 bestselling fountain pens of 2022 were picked based on the number of pens sold of each particular brand/model through the online shop during 2022.

Top sellers are typically more affordable fountain pens. If you’re looking for a comprehensive guide to some of the most exciting or most coveted collectors’ fountain pens or luxury, high end pens in 2022, you’ll need to come back for a look at our upcoming Top 5 list.

Also, stay tuned for a Top 5 list featuring the best pens for journaling, the best pens for long writing sessions, the best pens for sketching, and the best fountain pens for beginners. These top 5 lists are coming soon!

What’s So Great About the Kaweco Collector’s Edition Fountain Pen?

If you’re wondering what so many people love about the Kaweco Collector’s Edition fountain pens, you’ve probably never tried one. This pen is one of the most popular pocket fountain pen designs ever released. The Kaweco Sport fountain pen is a classic pocket fountain pen loved for a number of reasons:

Bestselling fountain pens of 2022
The Kaweco Collectors’ Edition fountain pen is available in a variety of limited time colors; the Iridescent Pearl shown here was a 2022 release.
  • The nib is smooth right out of the box.
  • The pen is easily customized (look for optional pen clips in varying colors, interchangeable nibs, and the mini Kaweco converter).
  • The pen is easy to take apart to clean the pen between inks.
  • Plus, with the Collector’s Edition, you get the added excitement of knowing that your pen won’t be available forever, so you’ve got a more “collectible” version of of this fan favorite.

What’s So Great About the Platinum Preppy Fountain Pen?

The Platinum Preppy fountain pen is a high quality fountain pen that is both affordable and vibrant. The translucent body is great for first time fountain pen users with the demonstrator pen body offering a great opportunity to observe the workings of the fountain pen, learn how it works, and identify some of the basic elements of a fountain pen. In addition to being easy to see and identify, the parts are also easy to disassemble, which is a boon for those not quite comfortable yet in the fountain pen world. But possibly the most advantageous aspect of the Platinum Preppy fountain pen is the combination of affordable price, and Platinum’s Slip & Seal mechanism.

Bestselling fountain pens of 2022: platinum preppy fountain pens
One of the five best selling fountain pens of 2022 was the Platinum Preppy fountain pen.

Many fountain pens dry out within a few months, but Platinum fountain pens are known to retain 40% moisture at the advertised 24-month mark due to the Slip & Seal mechanism located in the pen’s cap. Simply said, your Platinum Preppy fountain pen can lay around used or unused for months at a time without drying out and leaving you with wasted ink and a pen in need of cleaning. The Platinum Preppy’s light barrel means most of the weight is concentrated at the pen’s tip, so it’s easy to hold. Not too long and not too short, the Platinum Preppy is a comfortable, affordable, easy option for almost anyone interested in purchasing a fountain pen regardless of their level of experience.

Why Do People Love the Lamy Special Edition Safari Fountain Pen?

bestselling fountain pens of 2022 lamy safari fountain pens
The Lamy Special Edition Safari fountain pens were some of the bestselling fountain pens of 2022 (including the Strawberry and Cream release seen here and the Retro release that came out later in 2022).

People love the Lamy Safari because it’s a workhorse. The Lamy Safari fountain pens are reliable, and durable. These sturdy pens are known for their ergonomically shaped sections (otherwise known as the grip) that make writing more comfortable. The Lamy fountain pen’s stainless steel nib is long-lasting. And the special edition releases that Lamy comes up with each year are limited time color releases that are typically fun, energetic, and collectible.

What’s the Big Deal with Twsbi Eco Fountain Pens?

bestselling fountain pens of 2022 lamy safari fountain pens twsbi eco fountain pens
Twsbi ECO fountain pens were one of the five best selling fountain pens in 2022.

The Twsbi Eco fountain pen has a very smooth nib, a recognizable, modern pen design, and a very affordable (and excellent) piston-filling system. Many experienced fountain pen users love the Twsbi ECO for its dependability, and simple, but spot on design. However, those same experienced fountain pen users will also recommend the Twsbi ECO to beginning fountain pen users. Not everyone loves the look of the Twsbi ECO, but not many will deny that it’s a solid (and smooth) writer.

Why Does Everyone Love the Conklin Endura Deco Crest Fountain Pen?

Bestselling fountain pens of 2022 Conklin Endura Deco Crest fountain pens
The Conklin Endura Decor Crest fountain pens (released in 3 different color/trim combinations in 2022) were one of the top 5 best sellers of the year.

The Conklin Endura Deco Crest fountain pen is a unique design featuring detailed metalwork encapsulating stunning resin with the combo showcasing the metalwork’s beautiful pattern. In addition to the beautiful combination of resin and metalwork, the pen also features a popular element, a cap that’s threaded for both closure and posting. (However, the Conklin Endura Deco Crest fountain pen is a heavier pen, so posting the pen may not be the best option if you’re about to sit down to a long writing session). This stunning pen is a gorgeous choice; particularly if you enjoy a heavier pen when you write.

Shop the Bestselling Fountain Pens in 2022:

Are you looking to add one of the 2022 bestselling fountain pens to your pen collection? Look no further than

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2 years ago

I have the Deco Crest. There is a bit of heft to the pen but very usable.

Personally I think the Safari and the Kaweco Sport are perhaps overdone, much like the Retro 51 editions. How many can you have?

As for TWSBI the 580 is the best model.