Monthly Archives: April 2021

Private Reserve Copper Burst ink

Private Reserve Copper Burst Ink Review & Giveaway

Today's Private Reserve Copper Burst ink review and giveaway follows another fairly recent review of a Private Reserve fountain pen ink. We had to do another one because we haven't had this ink brand in quite a while, and after recently adding them back to stock, a pretty big fan base is coming round requesting

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antimicrobial bullet space pen

Antimicrobial Bullet Space Pen Possesses Unique PPE Benefits

What do you know about the Antimicrobial Bullet Space pen? You may already be aware that certain materials hold antimicrobial properties; they actually kill or slow the spread of microorganisms (like bacteria, viruses, protozoans, etc.) But you may be wondering what that has to do with pens. Consider this typical, everyday scenario... Scenario: You Checked

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