Armando Simoni Club Pens
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Armando Simoni Club (ASC) is a pen company created by collectors for collectors, and they stay true to the spirit behind their brand. The company's founder, Emmanuel Caltagirone, was born into the fountain pen world in Paris. His father, Nicolas Caltagirone, is the well-known figure behind the reputable Waterman and Cartier pen brands. With a family of reputable pen makers leading the way, Caltagirone was destined to leave his own mark on the pen industry.
The Armando Simoni Club's pen design is guided by their founder's desire to combine beauty and functionality in every pen. Stretching the boundaries to discover new intersections of beauty and tradition, ASC pen designs are a legacy passed on from generation to generation.
Pen Chalet is an Authorized Dealer of Armando Simoni Club pens and writing instruments.
Country: France
The Armando Simoni Club's pen design is guided by their founder's desire to combine beauty and functionality in every pen. Stretching the boundaries to discover new intersections of beauty and tradition, ASC pen designs are a legacy passed on from generation to generation.
Pen Chalet is an Authorized Dealer of Armando Simoni Club pens and writing instruments.
Country: France